Laura Vladimirova #1 & Harth


Is this you?
April 15, 2013
New York, New York

I don’t know Laura but we have a two friends in common. Laura came prepared to the photo booth session! Prepared with ideas and gifts. Upon arrival she gave me some purple basil and some fresh lavender, after all, she just came from her Hydroponics Gardens class. She’s originally from the Ukraine, has lived in the Dominican Republic, Portugal, and Canada, to name a few places. She is a writer on a break, ongoing artist and current marketing guru. We’ve been facebook friends for a few months. So we only knew each other by our digital bits and profile photos. That’s why Laura chose to print out our faces. After living in Vancouver for a bit, Laura became quite interested and active about the missing women of the first nations. So the last picture is of Elsie Sebastien, still missing.


Leah Hartog #1 & Harth


Sue B. #2 & Harth